Washington Association of Vehicle Subagents

Washington Association of Vehicle Subagents

Washington Association of Vehicle Subagents

Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Annual Membership Dues - 1 workstation membership level.

Per the Bylaws and policies, annual membership for WAVS is currently billed at one title with registration per month ($23) per workstation for a total of $276 per workstation.

  • Please remember that membership is per Subagent and separate office locations are not separate memberships.  To be a member of WAVS, please select the membership level equivalent to the total number of workstations you are appointed to have under contract, regardless of how many separate locations you may have.  You may pay for more than one office using this checkout method.  If you would like to pay for each office separately, please pay through the QBO invoice you received by email.  Monthly and quarterly payment options are also available.

Membership is from July 1 of the current year to June 30 0f the following year. 

  • You may choose to set up your dues to be paid every year automatically at checkout if you would like to do so.  If you choose to set up your dues payment to renew automatically, you will receive a reminder 30 days prior to the payment being processed.
  • Reminders for non-payment of dues will be emailed according to the WAVS Bylaws and policies.
  • Please note - Access to the WAVS website automatically expires on July 31 if annual dues are not paid, unless you are set up for automatic payments.  Once dues are paid, the website will automatically unlock your access.  If you are unable to access the website but believe you have paid your dues, please contact the WAVS office at admin@wavs-wa.org.

To add the optional donation of $385 to the Legal Defense Fund, please choose it from the Optional Donations list below. 

  • Please do NOT add your PAC donation to your membership payment, as they are required to go into separate banking accounts.

The price for membership is $276.

Membership expires on July 31, 2026.

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